Typewriter In Tagalog

Typewriter In Tagalog

typewriter in tagalog​

Daftar Isi

1. typewriter in tagalog​


typewriter = taga-makinilya

2. tagalog ng typewriter

makinilya ang tagalog ng typewriter bes

3. Anong tagalog ng typewriteano ang tagalog ng typewriter ​




kase makinilya

4. Differentiate the Microsoft word and typewriter.


ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE: When you type on a typewriter, each keystroke instantly appears on the paper. When you type in MS Word, each keystroke appears on the screen. In order for the MS Word text to appear on paper, you must print the document.

5. typewriter is to letters as calcalator is to​

typewriter is to letters as calcalator is to numbers






6. typewriter first appear in?​


The first commercial typewriters were introduced in 1874, but did not become common in offices until after the mid-1880s. The typewriter quickly became an indispensable tool for practically all writing other than personal handwritten correspondence. ... Typewriters were a standard fixture in most offices up to the 1980s.

1868 Technology and the Invention of the Typewriter 1868, American inventor Christopher Latham Sholes developed the machine that finally succeeded on the market as the Remington and established the modern idea of the typewriter.

7. typewriter can help you​


can help you to type what everything you want.

8. The Story ofTest Questions:Answer with True or False.1. The first typewriter was used in the year 1900.2. During that tine, women had no place in business offices.3. The first typewriter was enthusiastically welcomed.4. It was made by the Italians.5. Clerks then threatened to walk out on the belief that the typewriter would robthem of their jobs.6. Remington and Sons s a company which produced, manufactured and soldtypewriter7. The invention of the typewriter paved the way for the opening of courses fortypists.8. The first electrically-operated typewriter came out only in the 1960's.9. The inventor of the typewriter became one of the richest man in the world.10. Today, the typewriter is indispensable in business offices.​




9. Electronic age of typewriter


Some electric typewriters were patented in the 19th century, but the first machine known to be produced in series is the Cahill of 1900. Another electric typewriter was produced by the Blickensderfer Manufacturing Company, of Stamford, Connecticut, in 1902.

10. What are the importance of typewriting?


para mapabilis ang pagsulat


sana makatulong

11. it works as an electronic typewriter and more​

its *Word Processor* hope i helped

12. is a typewriter-style device​




13. Difference between typewriter and laptop


Any computer can be used to access the internet as long as the device have internet connection. To sum it up, the major difference between a typewriter and computer is that a typewriter is a mechanical, printing device which have no memory whereas a computer is an electronic, multiple-purpose device which have memory.

14. What's in? Self-Check 1.1 Are you familiar with the typewriter? This is somewhat similar typing in computer using MS Word Application. Compare and contrast MS Word application and typewriter. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST w Word & TYPEWRITER MS WORD​


The typewriter is a mechanical device used to manually type texts and characters on a sheet of paper fed to the device. The use of the typewriter dwindled when computers became widely available. Here are the similarities between typewrites and MS Word:

Ease of Use

Typewriters needed more pressure of its keys to type properly. Not enough pressure results to lighter-colored textsMS Word need gentle pressure on the computer keys


Typewriters are heavyMS Word can be accessed by a smartphone that can fit in one's pockets

Characters available

Typewriters have limited number of characters available. Familiar MS Word applications such as adding tables or pictures are extremely difficult, if not impossible, on a typewriterMS Word allows insertion of tables, images, graphics, designs, and a lot more


All characters typed in a typewriter are final. Editing or correcting the texts needs correction fluidTexts in MS Word are not yet final until printed. Corrections and edits are possible

User experience

Using a typewriter is tedious, as the user needs to be careful with what is typed. Text quality is also dependent on the quality of the ink ribbon usedMS Word is easier to use and allows multiple edits before printing. Documents can also be saved in MS Word for later retrieval

Modern-day Use

Typewriters are still used in setting where details such as a name needs to be added in a pre-printed legal document and IDsMS Word is used by majority of text and document creation applications today


15. keys also found on a typewriter

answer: keys are made in metel or iron they lost it always



yes! i think so




16. ano ang typewriting?​

he act or study of or skill in using a typewriter  writing produced with a typewriter.

Ito po

17. 10 similarities between typewriter and computer keyboard similarities?similarities of typewriter ••••similarities of computer ••••​


They both have a keyboard with the same characteristics. The computer has speakers that make it an entertainment when you are working however; the typewriter in this point is more convenient because the music or noise doesn't distract you. Both are use to type information.

18. 4.who invented typewriter​


Christopher Latham Sholes

19. who is the first successful typewriter​


The first American paten for what might be called a typewriter was granted to William Austin Burt, of Detroit, in 1829. However, the breakthrough came in 1867 when Christopher Latham Sholes of Milwaukee with the assistance of his friends Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule invented their first typewriter.

20. he was credited as the inventor of the typewriter​


Christopher Latham Sholes.



21. what are the advantage of the typewriter?​


Advantages of Typewriters

For a century, the typewriter was standard equipment in the office. Although we now use computers for modern writing tasks, the typewriter still offers some advantages over digital technology.

Completing Forms

-Filling out paper forms remains a standard activity in bureaucratic institutions. Unlike computer printers, typewriters provide the precision and pressure required to complete forms correctly and make legible carbon copies.

Addressing Envelopes and Labels

- Technically, you can print addresses on envelopes and labels using a computer printer, but it is often an ordeal. Typewriters make quick work of this task.

Use in Third World Countries

-The Indian company Godrej still manufactures and sells manual typewriters, many of which it exports to other Third World countries. Manual typewriters provide an advantage over computers both in price and reliability, since they do not require electricity.

Historical Appreciation

- Many great 20th-century writers wrote literary classics with typewriters. Thanks to eBay and antique stores, you can still find and use the same model of typewriter that your favorite author used.

Aesthetic Enjoyment

- Typewriters are beautiful machines, made in an era before manufactured obsolescence. Unlike disposable computer equipment, typewriters make interesting and attractive conversation pieces.


it is independent from electrical and digital networks.

22. What is a typewriter? Do people still use typewriters?


typerwritter is an old tool using for text and doing some job work this is used on 1998

23. Typewriter first appear in ____?​

The first American paten for what might be called a typewriter was granted to William Austin Burt, of Detroit, in 1829. However, the breakthrough came in 1867 when Christopher Latham Sholes of Milwaukee with the assistance of his friends Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule invented their first typewriter.


1829 by William Austin Burt of Detroit

24. 1. How was the typewriter Helpful?​

The typewriter is one of the most revolutionary inventions in history. It brought speed to writers, productivity to offices, and convenience to workers. It brought jobs to women, letters to friends, and computers to people.

25. disadvantage of typewriter​

What is the disadvantage of typewriter?

If you make a typing mistake you would have to use tippex to remove the mistake instead of just pressing backspace as in a computer.

Do not provide facility of emailing or of using the internet so that the document has to be hand delivered or mailed.

No graphics can be included

No graphics can be includedpaper has to be usually manually inserted

No graphics can be includedpaper has to be usually manually insertedOnly possible to create one copy at a time.



Typewriters have limited formatting options. A typist can change page margins and bold type, and using a dual color ink ribbon can print in red instead of black. Using different types or sizes of fonts is not possible because the letters are raised stamps that use standard business letter size.


Typewriters are becoming less common, which means fewer suppliers stock ribbon and other typewriter necessities. Parts for typewriter repair are also becoming more expensive. Typewriters are manual devices that receive wear and tear, and fewer typewriter repair shops are in business.




26. Ano ang tagalog ng typewriter?

Ang aking sagot ay Makinilya

27. typewriter first appeard in?​


The typewriter was first invented in the 1868's.

28. typewriter first appeared in​


Typewriter First appeared in 1868

29. appearance of typewriter​


reasonably fast, jam-free, and reliable.relatively quiet, and more importantly, free of major vibrations.could produce high quality lower- and upper-case output, compared to competitors such as Teletype machines.

30. what is a electronic typewriter​


An electric typewriter, especially one in which solid-state circuitry is used to provide facilities such as storing typed characters.


1950s; earliest use found in The Times.Explanation:

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