Moss In Tagalog

Moss In Tagalog

ano sa tagalog ang moss​

Daftar Isi

1. ano sa tagalog ang moss​





2. what is the similarities of club mosses and moss?​





3. A Moss plant spore grows into moss plant.​


What is a moss?

A moss is a flowerless, spore-producing plant - with the spores produced in small capsules. The introductory WHAT IS A BRYOPHYTE? page noted that bryophytes have a gametophyte stage and a sporophyte stage. The spore capsule, often with a supporting stalk (called a seta), is the sporophyte and this grows from the gametophyte stage.

You will commonly see the statement that a moss gametophyte consists of leaves on stems. That statement is so close to the whole truth that it's no surprise it's so commonly used.

When a moss spore germinates it first develops a protonema. This is a filamentous to sheet-like growth form, often with a strong resemblance to an algal colony or a fern prothallus. In due course one or more stems grow from the protonema and leaves develop on the stems, giving rise to one or more leafy-stemmed plants. In almost all moss species, the protonemata are ephemeral, with the leafy-stemmed plants the persistent and dominant growth form. But there are exceptions. In some species the protonema is persistent and the leafy part is ephemeral. The term gametophore is used for the stems-and-leaves part and the protonema and gametophore together make up the gametophyte. Now, as already noted, in almost all species the protonema is ephemeral and insignificant when compared with the leafy-stemmed growth. So the leafy-stemmed part is the gametophyte in the great majority of species. It now becomes clear why that fact is often generalized to the statement that the gametophyte in all mosses is leafy-stemmed. For more about the early development, see the LIFE CYCLE SECTION. In contrast to the case in mosses, a liverwort protonema is rudimentary.

The aim of this page is simply to describe the features you can see in a moss - in both the gametophyte and sporophyte stages. You will see some, but by no means all, of the variety in moss gametophytes and sporophytes. This page gives an overview of the features found in mosses and there are links to more details on some of the topics.

4. 1. After several days, which of the two rocks reproduced more moss on it?2. What do you think is the reason why that rock produced more moss than the other?3. Where do you usually see mosses?4. What is the importance of moisture in the reproduction of moss?5. Mosses can reproduce just by breaking apart and having their fragments grow. Canwe say that this is a useful characteristic of mosses? Why?​


1.2nd rock

2. environment to reproduce. Their flagellated sperm must swim through water to reach the egg. So mosses and liverworts are restricted to moist habitats. those of us who live in the Pacific Northwest know that mosses thrive in moist temperate forests.

4. Their flagellated sperm must swim through water to reach the egg. So mosses and liverworts are restricted to moist habitats.

5. Mosses are an environmentally benign way to conserve water, control erosion, filter rainwater, clean up hazardous chemicals, and sequester carbon. Also, mosses serve a valuable ecological role as bioindicators for air pollution, acid rain, water pollution, and wastewater treatment.



hope it helps!

happy to help:)


5. Guide Questions 1. After several days, which of the two rocks reproduced more moss on it? 2. What do you think is the reason why that rock produced more moss than the other? 3. Where do you usually see mosses? 4. What is the importance of moisture in the reproduction of moss? 5. Mosses can reproduce just by breaking apart and having their fragments grow. Can we say that this is a useful characteristic of mosses? Why?


2.) It is generally believed that in the Northern Hemisphere, the north side of trees and rocks will generally have more luxuriant moss growth on average than other sides. The reason is assumed to be because sunshine on the south side causes a dry environment.

3.) Mosses have spread all around the world and are found in wet environments such as rainforests, wetlands and alpine ecosystems. They are also common in urban areas with a wet climate and often establish on driveways, sidewalks, brick walls and other man-made structures.

4.) Bryophytes also need a moist environment to reproduce. Their flagellated sperm must swim through water to reach the egg. So mosses and liverworts are restricted to moist habitats.

5.) Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a part of the moss can grow to form a new moss. This is used by mosses to help ensure their survival. ... This allows moss to propagate over a large space (like a forest, or a lawn) even with their slow growth.

-sana po makatulong

At para masagot ko po yung no.1 pwede po bang magtanong kung anong klaseng rocks po yung tinutukoy nyo na dalawa,which of the 2 po kasi tanong nyo tapos hindi ko po ma identify kung ano.paki comment nalang po kung anong klase para ma sagot ko po agad.



6. classification of mosses​




Ako nlang sumagot binura ung una

7. Are mosses important?


Mosses are important components of the vegetation in many regions of the world, and they make up a major part of the biodiversity in moist forest, wetland, mountain and tundra ecosystems. Moss communities offer microhabitats that are critical to the survival of a diversity of organisms.


Please Mark a 5 Star and hearts Ty <3

8. what are the needs of moss to live? what is/are the special features of moss?

that the needs of moss to live

9. what are 'Moss'? Are there different kind of moss? and what are they?

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What are "moss"?

Moss a delicate, intensely green carpeting of moss is nearly always to be found in woodlands, along streams, and in many meadows. Even in well-kept lawns there frequently are glistening moss colonies, more or less shaded by grass blades. Moss often thrives in the cracks of cement walks and old stumps, dump fences, and the bark of old trees. It sometimes grows on thatched roofs, which look as if they were covered with green velvet.


Are there different kind of moss? and what are they?

Yes, there are different kinds of mosses. They are small plants, never standing more than several centimeters high. Some are so low and hug the ground so closely that they look like green turf. Some genera, such as plume moss (Hypnum) and fern moss (Thuidium), which looks somewhat like a midget fern, are more conspicuous. They thrive in shady woods, often completely concealing the logs and stones on which they grow.



<( ̄︶ ̄)↗

10. what is club mosses?​

Club mosses are low evergreen herbs with needlelike or scalelike leaves. Many species have conelike clusters of small leaves (strobili), each with a kidney-shaped spore capsule at its base. The plants are homosporous, meaning they produce just one kind of spore.

11. why is moss slippery​


Because Moss itself is not slippery,  but in some circumstances, moss can grow alongside algae or lichen (which has a symbiotic relationship with algae). It is algae that can be slippery, particularly on concrete sidewalks and decking in wet weather that may account for the association.

12. A micrograph of bryum mossBryum moss plants are made up of tiny units called cells.true or false​




tama po yan..

hope it helps!!


Each bryum moss are made up of cells. These cell is so small that it can be seen only with the help of a microscope. The organism shown in the micrograph is made up of cells, but the organism in the photograph is not. Each bryum moss cell is over 0.37 millimeters long.


13. 1.What part of the moss plants help the to reproduce? 2. Describe the mode of reproduction in moss plant? is it sexual or asexual?3. How do moss plants reproduce?​


1.What part of the moss plants help the to reproduce?


Mosses reproduce by spores, which are analogous to the flowering plant's seed; however, moss spores are single celled and more primitive than the seed. Spores are housed in the brown capsule that sits on the seta.

2. Describe the mode of reproduction in moss plant? is it sexual or asexual?

Moss reproduces asexually (also called vegetative reproduction) when parts of the plant break off and form new plants with identical genetic information.

3. How do moss plants reproduce?​

Mosses reproduce by spores, which are analogous to the flowering plant's seed; however, moss spores are single celled and more primitive than the seed. Spores are housed in the brown capsule that sits on the seta. ... Pieces of the moss body can break off, move by wind or water, and start a new plant if moisture permits.


1. spore 2. suxual and asexual 3. reproduce by spore


hope it's help

14. Moss?natural or artificial​


Moss, both artificial and real, acts as a natural sound absorber which is ideal for any busy event space. And they can look a lot better than plain-coloured sound-absorbing panels.


hope it helps

15. description of moss? ​


Botanically, mosses are non-vascular plants in the land plant division Bryophyta. They are small (a few centimeters tall) herbaceous (non-woody) plants that absorb water and nutrients mainly through their leaves and harvest carbon dioxide and sunlight to create food by photosynthesis.


hope it helps


Botanically, mosses are non-vascular plants in the land plant division Bryophyta. They are small (a few centimeters tall) herbaceous (non-woody) plants that absorb water and nutrients mainly through their leaves and harvest carbon dioxide and sunlight to create food by photosynthesis.


hope it helps..

16. mosses classification




In the 2000 classification scheme the phylum Bryophyta is divided into six classes: Takakiopsida, Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Andreaeobryopsida, Polytrichopsida and Bryopsida.

hope it helps

17. what produces sperms and eggs in moss plants?(a.leafy moss b.rhizoid c.moss flower d.spore case) ​

D.-spore case/spores

-Mosses reproduce by spores, which are analogous to the flowering plant's seed; however, moss spores are single celled and more primitive than the seed. ... Some mosses have cups on their tops that produce sperm, these are male plants. The female counterpart has eggs between her overlapping leaves.

18. butii2. How the non-flowering plants such as moss, ferns, and gymnospermsreproduce?moss-ferns-gymnosperms-​

then Ron flowering plants such as moss ferms and gymnosperms reproduce by pores



19. Biological indicator mosses


According to the literature (Puckett, 1988), mosses and lichens are considered to be the best body to be used as bio-indicators of air pollutants. ... They don't shed plant parts as readily as higher plants and accumulate persistent atmospheric pollutants to concentrations far greater than those in air (Begu, 2011).

20. Life cycle of mosses​

The life cycle of a moss, like all plants, is characterized by an alternation of generations. A diploid generation, called the sporophyte, follows a haploid generation, called the gametophyte, which is in turn followed by the next sporophyte generation.

21. Reproduction of moss plant?

Asexual or vegetative reproduction and Sexual Reproduction is the Reproduction of the moss plant
Sexual reproduction and Asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction- at regular intervals depending on species and weather condition. mosses produce small structure known as archeqonium

Asexual reproduction-  as mentioned above mosses can also reproduce asexually or other words vegetatively. They are able to do this by a number of different methods. much the same as liverworts.

22. 2. How the non-flowering plants such as moss, ferns, and gymnospermsreproduce?moss-ferns-gymnosperms-​

Answer: Mosses reproduce by spores.

Most ferns reproduce sexually, and that involves meiosis and fertilisation.

Gymnosperm, any vascular plant that reproduces by means of an exposed seed, or ovule—unlike angiosperms, or flowering plants, whose seeds are enclosed by mature ovaries, or fruits.


23. How the non-flowering plants such as moss, ferns, and gymnosperms reproduce? moss-​

the non flowering plant such as moss, ferns, and gymnosperms reproduce by pores

24. characteristics of moss plant

They Do Not have True Roots,stem and leaves
Mosses grow in moist brick walls, in sidewalks, as thick matson forest floors and on the shaded side of trees. they require water for fertilization and they do not have complicated vascular system

25. classification of mosses


Mosses, the taxomatic division Bryophyta or the Bryophytes, are small, non-vascular flowerless plants that typically form dense green clumps or mats, often in damp or shady locations.

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[tex]\green{\overbrace{\underbrace{\tt \green{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: ANSWER \: with \: Explanation \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}}} [/tex]

The Classification of Mosses is Bryophyta

Bryophyta is Mosses And no other else they are the taxonomic division Bryophyta or the bryophytes And they are non-vascular flowerless plants that typically form dense green clumps or mats, often in damp or shady locations. And they Look like Green Grass but its flat.


For More Information Click This:




26. classification of mosses​




In the 2000 classification scheme the phylum Bryophyta is divided into six classes: Takakiopsida, Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Andreaeobryopsida, Polytrichopsida and Bryopsida.


Mosses are now classified on their own as the division Bryophyta. There are approximately 12,000 species. The main commercial significance of mosses is as the main constituent of peat (mostly the genus Sphagnum), although they are also used for decorative purposes, such as in gardens and in the florist trade.

The following is a list of some of the major genera and species of mosses, arranged alphabetically by common name. apple moss (Bartramia pomiformis) carpet moss (genus Hypnum) sheet moss (H. curvifolium) cord moss (genus Funaria) cushion moss (genus Leucobryum) elf-cap moss (genus Buxbaumia) extinguisher moss (genus Encalypta)

There are several different types of mosses with varying characteristics, including carpet-like sheet mosses, cushion mosses, rock cap mosses, and the taller hair cap mosses. No matter what type they are, mosses do not have roots or flowers.



mosses are non-vascular plants in the land plant division Bryophyta. They are small (a few centimeters tall) herbaceous (non-woody) plants that absorb water and nutrients mainly through their leaves and harvest carbon dioxide and sunlight to create food by photosynthesis.




Mosses, unlike fungi, are plants. They are typically small – from 1 – 10 cm – although they can be larger. They don't have flowers or seeds, but they do produce spores, as fungi do. Mosses don't have roots; they absorb water and nutrients through their leaves.

28. How the non-flowering plants such as moss, ferns, and gymnosperms reproduce?moss-____________________________________________________________ferns-____________________________________________________________gymnosperms-_____________________________________________________​

Answer & Explanation:

Moss - they reproduce through spores, which are similar to the seed of a flowering plant. However, moss spores are single-celled and more early than the seed. The brown capsule that sits on the seta contains the spore. Male plants have cups on the tops of some mosses that produce sperm.

Ferns - they reproduce by producing and releasing spores. The gametophyte is fertilized and grows into a diploid sporophyte if there is enough moisture. The life cycle is then completed when the sporophyte produces spores.

Gymnosperms - reproduces through an exposed seed, or ovule, as opposed to angiosperms, or flowering plants, whose seeds are enclosed by mature ovaries, or fruits. Many gymnosperm seeds are borne in cones and are not visible until the plant matures.

29. classifacation of mosses​







In the 2000 classification scheme the phylum Bryophyta is divided into six classes: Takakiopsida, Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Andreaeobryopsida, Polytrichopsida and Bryopsida.




30. 1.Why do moss grow so low to the ground?2.Which stage is the main stage of moss: sporophyte or gametophyte?3.What is the major difference between moss and ferns?​


1. Moss grow so low to the ground because they lack a vascular system and have no true roots, stems or leaves. They must absorb water directly from the soil or flowing over them

2. Gametophyte

3. Ferns and mosses are alike in one way: both reproduce by spores instead of seeds. However, ferns are different from mosses because they have vascular tissue that distributes water and nutritions to all plant cells. Mosses are nonvascular plants that are usually only a few cells thick.


1.According to Volunteer State Community College, mosses, a member of the plant kingdom's Division Bryophyta, have small, low-growing bodies because they lack a vascular system and have no true roots, stems or leaves. They must absorb water directly from the soil or flowing over them.

2.In mosses, the dominant stage is the haploid generation (the gametophyte). This means that the green, leafy gametophytic tissue is haploid (has only one set of chromosomes). The gametophyte refers to all organs and tissues that are a part of the haploid generation

3.Also, both mosses and ferns show alternation of generation. But, the dominant phase of the life cycle of mosses is the haploid gametophyte generation, while the dominant phase of the life cycle of ferns is the diploid sporophyte generation. Therefore, this is another important difference between mosses and ferns.


Hope it help pa brainliest po

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