Name Of Spouse In Tagalog

Name Of Spouse In Tagalog

ano Tagalog sa spouse​

Daftar Isi

1. ano Tagalog sa spouse​







2. ano sa Tagalog Ang spouse​




Dahil ang tagalog ng spouse ay asawa.

3. anong ibig sabihin yong spouse name​


Someone's spouse is the person who they're married to—their partner in marriage. A spouse who's a man is often called a husband, while a spouse who's a woman is often called a wife. The word partner is a gender-neutral way to refer to one's spouse.


hope it help☺

4. ano ang trabaho ng spouse salen​

A spouse is a significant other in a marriage, civil union, or common-law marriage. The term is gender neutral, whereas a male spouse is a husband and a female spouse is a wife. Although a spouse is a form of significant other, the latter term also includes non-marital partners who play a social role similar to that of a spouse, but do not have rights and duties reserved by law to a spouse.

5. the good Qualities of a spouse (husband/wife)​

Tips to Become a Good Husband or good wife

Being a good husband is not something that comes naturally to most men. It often means putting yourself second and your wife first, which is something a lot of people take a little getting used to. Here are some tips to help you become a good husband to your wife.

1. Be Her Best Friend

A married couple is much more than just man and wife; they are best friends. You are partners in life, so it is best to get into the habit of going to the other first when something important happens in your life. Just the way you would pick up your phone to tell your friend all about the exciting event that happened, your first instinct should be to tell your wife because she is your closest and dearest friend. In the same way, if she comes to you with something, you should be able to share in her feelings about it and help her if she needs it.

A couple talking

2. Be Protective

To show your wife that you love her, be there for her. Be protective but never abuse her. Some men ignore if someone else insults their wife, but we know you are not the same. You love your wife and it’s time you show her that. If someone insults your wife, protect her. You need to show that you support your wife and don’t tolerate others disrespecting her. Never tolerate if someone insults or says mean jokes at your wife. Let people know that you are always at your wife’s side, come what may.

3. Look After Yourself Physically

Most men don’t care about their physical appearance once they are married. They stop putting any kind of effort into their appearance after they become too comfortable with each other. This can sometimes be what kills romance in a marriage. Make an effort to look good for your wife. She will appreciate it because she knows you are going through the effort for her.

4. Respect Her Beliefs

If you are both from the same religious background, it will be easy to share in her religious faith, but if you are from different backgrounds, there can always be respect for what she believes in. You should never make your wife feel silly for what she believes in, even if you don’t believe in the same. Let your wife know that you respect her beliefs

5. Show Love to Her

Men aren’t the most sensitive bunch, and while it can be challenging for some to open up and show their love, it is a worthwhile endeavour. Most women love romance and like it when their husbands shower their love on them, so remember to be romantic with your wife once in a while. Show your love to her by giving her random kisses throughout the day or hugging her and telling her that you love her. These little acts will brighten her day.

A husband loving his wife

6. Support Her

If your wife has a goal she wants to work towards, do everything that you can to support her. Don’t laugh at her dreams because that will only break her spirit. You are the one person in the world who she should feel she can get support from, even if the rest of the world thinks she is silly. So, stand up for her. Make her believe that she can do anything she wants to do. She will love you even more.

7. Accept Her Faults

Men and women all have their flaws and faults, but true love is accepting the bad with the good. Focus on all the good things about her and ignore the things you don’t like. If it is something that really bothers you, talk to her about it, or just learn to accept it. There may be things about you that she needs to learn to accept as well.

8. Don’t Lose The Romance

If you have been married for a while, it is easy for the romance to die out as time moves on. As her husband, do your part when it comes to holding on to the romance. Don’t let it die. Take her out for a date or surprise her with flowers and a romantic night at a hotel, the choices are endless.

9. Talk Things Through

Every couple has disagreements, but the ones who learn to talk things through instead of becoming angry or bitter about it are the ones whose relationship lasts long. Learning to respect each other’s opinions is very important in a marriage, and learning to communicate without screaming and shouting at each other will save your marriage and give your children a more secure home life.

10. Take Care of Your Wife

If your wife falls sick or needs you to look after something, make sure you do it with your best efforts. Looking after each other through sickness and health is a part of your marriage vows and not something to be taken lightly. A good wife would do anything to look after her husband in her way, and in the same way, a good husband does his best to look after his wife’s needs.

A husband takes care of his sick wife

6. what is the synonym of a spouse?

partner, husband/wife, significant otherpartner hope it helps:)

7. husband: spouse: baby​

husband and babyyyyyyyyyy

8. what is the meaning of spouse

Wife;Ilaw ng tahan;May bahay

9. it is the external sign in marriage that occurs between the spouses​


the marriage contract. not the marriage license given by the state but the vows of the spouses to each other.


10. Husband : spouse : baby : ____

Answer: Child or Children

11. What if the surrogate and the spouse violate the abstention clause?​


Introduction: The first paragraph of your essay. It is the first impression your readers recieve, and explain the main point of your paper. Your introduction contains your thesis statement. Body: The paragraphs in between your introduction and conclusion. ... Conclusion: The last paragraph of your paper.


sana po makatulong

12. if shared by spouses, do the spouses evenly share in desicion making? why or why not?​




because there will be one who is superior

13. The following are causes for disinheriting a spouse, which one is not


If only I can see your test paper or just the picture siguro alam ko pa

14. what is the compound word of mother of his spouse


imong mama



The answer is Mother-in-law

15. Affidavit of transfer of rights to spouse



Step-by-step explanation:

affidavit ang tawag sa pagtransfer sa karapatan ng asawa

16. This symbolize the everlasting love and fidelity of the spouses.


This symbolize the everlasting love and fidelity of the spouses.


A ring.

A promise.


17. spouse meaning in spanish




spouse in espanyol

18. an overseas working spouse destroy family?

Relatively not true. It is not the overseas spouse who destroys the family but the act of INFIDELITY or unfaithfulness is the reason why most families are in trouble.  And when both party are not loyal to each other, their relationship is in trouble.  This is because the emotional makeup of man and woman especially when married is one and should be inseparable by no one but death.  When both party are away with each other, they crave for emotions such as gentle touch, a soft whisper and many others which they cannot do virtually in the internet.  This natural attachment, if not cared for, can be damaged by temptations of the third party.  Infidelity is sure enough to come and destroy their relationship, and eventually the whole family.

19. you and your spouse decide to separate​


what is that a question that need to be answered


you and your spouse decide to separate

what kind of question is that

20. a. The death of a spouse.Eustress-Distress-​


Eustress, or positive stress, has the following characteristics:

Motivates, focuses energy.

Is short-term.

Is perceived as within our coping abilities.

Feels exciting.

Improves performance.

In contrast, Distress, or negative stress, has the following characteristics:

Causes anxiety or concern.

Can be short- or long-term.

Is perceived as outside of our coping abilities.

Feels unpleasant.

Decreases performance.

Can lead to mental and physical problems.


21. English missing piecehusband spouse baby_______​


Explanation:after going through the catch check change exerise

22. Jesus' Beloved Spouse is the Holy Trinity. True or False​




Jesus loves all of us no matter what we do. He also forgive our sins and bless us all.

23. "the spouse of his beloved son refers to what?​


refers to his daughter in law

24. the good Qualities of a spouse (husband/wife)​


Express your love. Do you love your husband? ...

Communicate. ...

Be supportive. ...

Be his best friend. ...

Respect the person he is. ...

Show an interest in his interests. ...

Respect his need for space. ...


25. how do you describe your family relationship?(spouse to spouse,parent to children, children to parent and siblings to siblings​

Listen to listen not to reply

often we think about what we're going to say next instead of really listening to the person we're talking with. Give them your attention, and trust your brain to come up with a response when it's time

26. Spouses jesus and aida castro v spouses felimon and lorina esperanza


di ko po maintindihan ty

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest ty

27. spouse of his beloved son" refers to what?


daughter in law is the spouse oh his beloved son

28. anu po ba ibig sabihin ng name of spouse​


ang ibig sabihin ng name of spouse​ ay pangalan ng asawa


pa brainliest po


Name of spouse means in tagalog is ASAWA

29. Who was referred to as the sphinx in the poem "the Spouse".​


Lui's Dato's Poem


hope it helps

30. how did early Filipino choose their spouse​


earlier erlier erlier

than greater

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