Love Will Keep Us Alive In Tagalog

Love Will Keep Us Alive In Tagalog

Love nurtures our emotions and keeps us alive. Identify the adjective in this sentence. A. nurtures B. emotions C, keeps D. alive

Daftar Isi

1. Love nurtures our emotions and keeps us alive. Identify the adjective in this sentence. A. nurtures B. emotions C, keeps D. alive




Correct me if im wrong!

2. what keeps us alive?​


Our family


Pa brainliest po


in science air in bible god


pa brainliest

3. What do you think is the most important factor of keeping love alive in a relationship​

only need is trust and respect

4. lSuggest concrete ways on how you can help your parents keep their marriage alive make your home a sanctuary of love.ANSWER ASAP PLSS​


For making them happy


So that there's no reason or other way for them to mind their problem because for seing thier child is happy there's contenment in their souls and a true joy in there life

5. what gives off heat to keep us alive?​

What Does the Sun Give Us?

What Does the Sun Give Us? (5 Activities)

Below is information about the student activity/lesson plan from your search.


— Solar



-- You may have realized that the sun gives off heat. It feels so good to feel the warm sun on our skin when we're cold! The sun has an amazing amount of heat and even though we only get a small amount of that heat, it's just the right amount for us. You also may have realized how much light it provides us.


-- The moon doesn't have any light of its own. All of the light we see is really sunlight that is reflected or bounced off our moon.

Where does the energy to build, light, and heat our houses and schools come from?

-- The sun has actually created almost all of the energy we use today. If we want to find more energy, we can look back to the sun itself. All the light and heat we feel is energy that we might be able to use.




— National Renewable Energy Laboratory

6. keeping WOW philippines alive essay​


Ty sa points

Yes easy


Pa brainlest po


WOW = working of web

7. How do the cell organelles work to keep us alive?​


Much of a cell's efforts go toward making proteins. Proteins carry out many important functions in the body. There are two types of proteins: structural proteins and enzymes. ... Cell organelles must work together to carry out protein synthesis, utilize proteins within the cell, and transport them out of the cell.


Much of a cell's efforts go toward making proteins. Proteins carry out many important functions in the body. There are two types of proteins: structural proteins and enzymes. ... Cell organelles must work together to carry out protein synthesis, utilize proteins within the cell, and transport them out of the cell


These organelles include the nucleus, which contains the genetic information necessary for cell growth and reproduction; mitochondria, which are responsible for the energy transactions necessary for cell and organism survival; lysosomes, which digest unwanted materials within the cell; and the endoplasmic reticulum and ..

8. five tips for keeping plants alive​


1. Choose the Correct Pot

2. Use Good Potting Soil

3. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little

4. Give Them Plenty of Light

5. Love your plants


1.) Drainage is extremely important for your plant. Ideally, a pot should have a hole in the bottom so that excess water can drain out of the soil and collect in a tray underneath the pot. If there is no such hole, all the extra water is trapped in the soil. Often, this is more water than the plant can successfully absorb, and this will result in a plant “drowning.” If you notice your plant looks wilted and droopy, but the soil is still damp, the odds are good that you have a drainage problem, and the plant is too wet.

2.) If you’re re-potting your houseplant from the container it came in and putting it in a better pot, you’ll also need to think about what type of potting soil you’re using. It isn’t enough to just scoop some dirt out of your backyard. Instead, buy a bag of potting soil. These mixes often contain extra nutrients or fertilizers that will help your houseplant stay strong and healthy.

3.) Watering can be a little bit tricky, especially if you’re new to plant care. Water too much, and your plant can easily drown. Water too little, and the plant will dry up and die. For happy and healthy plants, you’ll need to find a delicate balance between these two extremes. While some plants prefer to live in moist soil, the vast majority of plants do best when you allow the soil to dry out between watering.

4.) While every plant has different preferences in terms of shade versus sun, no plant will grow with absolutely no light whatsoever. If you put your plant in the closet, high on a dark shelf or backed into a shadowy corner, it is not going to do well.

5.) of course it is not only humans or animals that need love but also plants. so we should love our plants so that they can grow easily


9. what keeps star alive?​


In physics, stars are kept alive by a balance of forces called hydrostatic equilibrium. This balance is maintained by two opposing forces: the pressure created by the star's nuclear fusion reactions, which is pushing outward, and the gravitational force of the star's mass, which is pulling inward. As long as the pressure created by the nuclear fusion reactions is greater than the gravitational force, the star is stable and will continue to live.


10. suggest concrete ways on how you can help your parents keep their marriage alive and make your home a sanctuary of love​




11. What does the air contain that keep us alive?​




Oxygen is the most important for keeping us alive because body cells need it for energy and growth. ... The lungs and respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body,


Air contains important substances, such as oxygen and nitrogen.

12. how to keep nationalism alive

keep making programs that involves the compulsory events and making laws about the country. For example, keep practising the singing of the national anthem wholeheartedly

13. is eating necessary in keeping us alive?​

Yes because it provide energy needed to keep the body breathing and alive, for movement and warmth, and for growth and repair of tissues.

paki brainliest ty. ^_^

14. how to keep WOW philippines alive


there is a little something we could do to make change, and a little brighter future for our country

May pangangailangan para sa isang kaguluhan sa sistema, oo. At dapat nating hilingin ang pagbabagong iyon

I'm B.I.SEXUAL so i don't know I'm just kidding I'm not bi.sexual

15. How do decomposers keep us alive?

they balance our ecosystem but they are not the ones who keep us alive.

16. Plant's Help Us Alive And Animal's Habitat Is Really Usefull Or Air Is More Usefull.To Breath Air.Animal's Habitat Help Us To keep Us Alive And Help Others That Sick.


all plants help us live and breathe


hope it helps


save plants save earth remive plastic bottle

17. Can you enumarate some reasons that shows how important it is for us to keep riddles alive

Ahh yes riddles, why do riddles even exist? why are riddles even made in the first place? Here's why...

Riddles are fun! or some people find them fun, but my point is riddles makes you think, it makes you think outside the box or creatively, it sharpens our brains. don't you feel happy whenever you answered a riddle? whenever you solve puzzles or riddles, it makes you happy those activities are called mood boosters or activities that helps you be happier and riddles are one of em. that is why we should appreciate riddles and continue solving every last riddle we can.

18. how important are your body systems in keeping us alive​


heart if ur heart dont beat u might be ded


our body system is the very important part of us to be alive ...


because the gravity of the earth sampak to the moon and embracing the sun

19. what keeps us and other organisms alive on earth?​


What keeps us and other organisms alive on earth? -Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the sun throughout the biosphere, the cycling of nutrients, and gravity.

20. how do the organ system interact with each other to keep us alive?​


the respiratory system and the circulatory system work closely together to deliver oxygen to cells and to get rid of the carbon dioxide the cells produce

21. what chemicals keep us alive?​


Four Important Brain Chemicals

Serotonin. You probably already know that serotonin plays a role in sleep and in depression, but this inhibitory chemical also plays a major role in many of your body's essential functions, including appetite, arousal, and mood. ...

Dopamine. ...

Glutamate. ...



hope it helps



Thanks me later :))

22. Tourism keeps the economy alive​


yes it does because when people go and see places it Amazes them wows them and makes them want to go to other places out of their town so they can experience many other new adventures and activities


23. How do decomposes keep us alive?

decomposer make space for plant to grow and wich we eat decomposer also return the  nutrient back to the soil


Every organelle in each cell is working to maintain homeostasis, including the cell membrane. The part of cell which performs homeostasis is the Cell membrane. The job of the cell membrane is to regulate the passage of materials into and out of the cell.

25. Suggest concrete ways on how you can help your parents keep their marriage alive and make your home a sanctuary of love


Learn to express yourself. The key to any strong relationship is communication. Reserve to talk-it-out Time. Parents spend 60% of their income in their children & 12% of their time. Make room for fun. Respect personal space. Share responsibilities.

26. how does god support us and all things and keep us alive ?

hes giving us blessing

He guides us, he protects us, and he dosent hurt us and he saves us

27. what does air contain that keep us alive?​


✨ O X Y G E N ✨


28. Stay alive, keep breathing and keep on fighting!! ​



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29. What keeps us and other Organisms alive?


What keeps us and other organisms alive on earth? -Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the sun throughout the biosphere, the cycling of nutrients, and gravity.


sinearch ko yan say thanks

30. to keep us alive and ________ we should follow _______when playing .​


to keep us alive and kind rules

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