Instigated In Tagalog

Instigated In Tagalog

Instigating an Investigation​

Daftar Isi

1. Instigating an Investigation​


Instigate is to goad or urge forward; to set on; to provoke; to incite while investigate is to inquire into or study in order to ascertain facts or information.


Commonly used with reference to evil actions; as, to instigate one to a crime.


To examine, look into, or scrutinize in order to discover something hidden or secret.

2. What could be the other words for instigators





(Also demagog)







Hope it's helps:)

3. when you instigate something, you?​


When you instigate something, you start it, but the word carries conflict with it. If you are suspended for wearing a political t-shirt, the incident might instigate days of protest by students and faculty.


please do click the "thank you" button.

4. 15. What type of character contends with the main character?a. oppositionc. antagonistb. protagonistd. instigator​




because its a lot more stimulating

5. The central, main character of a story is called the ____________. A. Antagonist B. Protagonist C. Antagonizer D. Instigator


B. ProtagonistProtagonist is the main,central character of a story.

Hope It Help


B. Protagonist


Protagonist comes from a Greek word for the principal actor in a drama. The protagonist of a story is sometimes called the main character.

6. 1. Do you believe that the Cavite Mutiny was instigated by the three priests (GOMBURZA)? Support your answer. ​

not because only three priests were blamed for what happened in cavite because the spanish friars were very angry with our three priests so they blamed what happened in cavite

7. what instigated UN member countries to convene the law of the sea? what are it's main mandates?​


Question: what instigated UN member countries to convene the law of the sea? what are it's main mandates?


Truman in 1945 to extend American jurisdiction to all the natural resources of its continental shelf, well beyond the territorial waters of the country. Truman's proclamation cited the customary international law principle of a nation's right to protect its natural resources.


8. do you agree that he cavite mutiny was instigated by gombusrza​


yes was the gomburza who did the Cavity mutiny

9. it is a procedure to remove stones that instigate inflammation or infection in the gallbladder pancreas or liver​


If gallstones (or other types of gallbladder disease) are creating complications, surgeons may remove your gallbladder (called a cholecystectomy). Cholecystectomy can be performed either laparoscopically (via a 'keyhole') or openly.






10. Huhuhu ano ung fr fr wilab kana pre tsaka yolo instig




btw tnxx sa pntss pa follow

11. what did Christianity do to instigate Rome to persecute the early followers of Christ?​

Christians were often given opportunities to avoid further punishment by publicly offering sacrifices or burning incense to Roman gods, and were accused by the Romans of impiety when they refused. Refusal was punished by arrest, imprisonment, torture, and executions.

12. Answer the questions below and write the answer on a separate piece of paper.Connie is never happy when everyone is getting along. She always instigates fights and then acts like little Miss Innocent. When you instigate something, you _____A. check it outB. protect itC. get it startedD. ignore it​

C. get it started

When you instigate something, you get it started. It is also provoke someone to do something, especially something bad.


13. Guys ano po meaning ng fr fr,wilab,instig,yolo


fr fr --“for real for real"

wilab- wireless communication laboratory

instig-Counselor, Perfectionist, Compassion

yolo- you only live ones

Step-by-step explanation:

not so sure but hope it helps

14. how can collaborative instigate social change?pls pahelp​


Unique resources, experiences, skills, or ideas to yield an outcome that significantly impacts society” (Bacon, 2009), especially in a manner which would generally be viewed as positive for society. Collaborative social change is locally led and strongly values teamwork and partnership- focused relationships.


I Hope I Help You :)

15. what could the other words for instigator​




hope it helps

16. Who divulge the plan of cavitenos in instigating mutiny against rafael de izquierdo?

Sergeant Fernando La Madrid commanded the mutineers as they captured the fort and murdered the Spanish officers.

The Spanish government in Manila dispatched a regiment under the command of General Felipe Ginoves to recover Fort Santiago. The besieged revolt was put down, and some mutineers, including Sergeant La Madrid, were executed. Later, others were executed or sentenced to hard labor.

Further explanation:Cavite Mutiny

The Cavite Mutiny (20 January 1872) was a brief revolt of 200 Filipino troops and employees at the Cavite artillery,  which served as the pretext for the Spanish repression of the fledgling Philippine nationalist movement. Ironically, the Spanish government's vigorous response eventually served to boost the nationalist cause.

The rebellion was easily put down, but the Spanish authority under the reactionary governor Rafael de Izquierdo exaggerated the episode and used it as a justification to repress those Filipinos who had been asking for governmental reform. Several Filipino academics were arrested and accused of collaborating with the rebels. Three priests, José Burgos, Jacinto Zamora, and Mariano Gómez, were publicly executed following a brief trial. Subsequently, the three became martyrs for the Philippine independence struggle.

Learn more about cavite mutiny here:


17. Do you agree that the cavite mutiny was instigated by gomburza?




18. do you agree that the cavite mutiny was instigated by Gomburza? support your answer​

Agree that the cavite uprising was sparked by the gomburza.

Rebellion, in a general sense, is the rejection of authority. Rebellion can take many forms, from civil disobedience to organized violence that seeks to undermine existing authorities.  Cavite Mutiny, (20 January 1872), The brief revolt of 200 Filipino troops and workers at the Cavite Ars3nal , which became the reason for the Spanish suppression of the embryonic Filipino nationalist movement. Ironically, the strong reaction of the Spanish authorities ultimately served to promote nationalist goals. The main cause of the Cavite uprising was Initially, both Montero and Izquierdo noted that the abolition of privileges enjoyed by the Cavite Ars3nal workers such as non-payment of tribute and exemption from the l4bor force were the main reasons for the “revolution” as they call it. However, other causes are mentioned by they include spanish.

The main reason why the gomburza were execut3d was because they actively supported the secul4rization movement. On February 17, 1872, he was one of the priests execut3d for false charges of treason and sedition , taking a supposedly active role in the Cavite rebellion. The Cavite Rebellion led to the persecution of prominent Filipinos; Secul4r priests Mariano GÃmez, Jos Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, l4ter collectively named Gomburza” were identified as masterminds of the rebellion. The main cause of the revolt is believed to be an order from Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo to create soldiers of the Engineering Corps and Artillery for Personal Taxes, from which they were previously exempt.

Gomburza was involved in the cavite rebellion because he wanted to fight for the rights of his fellow native priests against Spanish abuses . He is also active in publishing the newspaper l4 Verdad. On February 17, 1872, he was one of the priests execut3d on false charges of treason and sedition, taking a supposedly active role in the Cavite rebellion. Rizal dedicates this new book to three priests, Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, who were execut3d for their supposed participation in the first revolutionary campaign of modern Filipino nationalism , the Cavite Rebellion.

Learn more about the cavite rebellion


19. In Criminal Law, differentiate Entrapment from Instigation.​


Instigation is the means by which the accused is lured into the commission of the offense charged in order to prosecute him. On the other hand, entrapment is the employment of such ways and means for the purpose of trapping or capturing a lawbreaker.

20. Setting Main Character big lizard Secondary Character the animal that killed the chickens and instigated the noise.


story and they eat the chickens

21. What is the state of your mind when talking Islam versus your wordly affairs in connection to instigating of a sin​


Muslims around the world agree that Islam is the one true faith that leads to salvation. Many Muslims also say it is their religious duty to convert others to Islam.

Many Muslims say they know little about Christianity and other faiths. And few believe Islam and other religions have a lot in common. Even in countries where a substantial proportion of the population is non-Muslim, most Muslims report that all or most of their friends also are Muslim. And while interfaith meetings and classes of Muslims and Christians are fairly common in sub-Saharan Africa, few Muslims in other regions participate in such gatherings.

Few Muslims see conflict between religious groups as a very big national problem. In fact, most consider unemployment, crime and corruption as bigger national problems than religious conflict. Asked specifically about Christian-Muslim hostilities, few Muslims say hostilities are widespread.

22. this procedure may be necessary if the stone instigate inflammation or infection of the gallbladder pancreas or liver choices is it gastroparesis bubbling cleaning or removal​


Many patients have gallbladder surgery to alleviate pain and to avoid the potentially serious conditions caused by gallstones. In fact, surgery — in this case, a cholecystectomy, or gallbladder removal — is the most common form of treatment for gallstones.

23. Building English Skills 6, p. 39SetingbilizardSecondary Characterthe animal that killed the chickensand instigated the noise​


I hope it's help(◔‿◔)

24. Zoning is _________ the development of certain areas for specific purposes.A. Designating B. Instigating C. Initiating​


c po tamang sagot sana maka help


The purpose of zoning is to allow local and national authorities to regulate and control land and property markets to ensure complementary uses. Zoning can also provide the opportunity to stimulate or slow down development in specific areas.


thanks me latuur

25. Do you agree that the Cavite mutiny was instigated by GOMBURZA? Support your answer​


pashinsha ka ah God bless

26. Bees generally will not sting unless they are INSTIGATED. A. ignitesB. provokedC. appriciated​


a. po ang sagot


brainliest looking forward on vertous

27. Do you agree that the Cavite Mutiny was instigated by GAMBURZA? Support your answer.​




I see in history books

28. how can innovation instigate culture change?​

A culture of innovation is one which actively encourages and supports creative, even unorthodox, thinking from their people, and allows innovation to flow through it. ... Organizations that want to stay relevant must keep up – and to keep up, they must foster and maintain a culture of innovation.

29. Do you agree that Cavite Mutiny was instigated by GOMBURZA?​








I see it in my history book

30. instigate on how to determine the term - 3++ - 3+5+5+ 3 5 + 5 + 5 + 5​


pwee mo nman i calculator hehe

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