Goads In Tagalog

Goads In Tagalog

what is the meaning goaded

Daftar Isi

1. what is the meaning goaded

provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction.

2. Summarize your personal goads writse it in a paragraph formi​


Hindi maintindihan


Pa pic nalang

3. there is need for an active person since engineer mathematics and technology manager workers goaded in science and technology​


yes there's indeed. an active person

4. 4. What will she say when she gets up? (interentia)a. "Goad evening."b"Good afternoon!"C "Good morning!"d. Thank you very much!"5. What other title can be given for this story? (Critical)a. The End of the Dayb. The Start of the Dayclust Before Sleepingd The Middie of the Day​


4. c

5. a



please follow

5. 1. Directions: Read each passage and then respond to the questions. A fox fell into a well and couldn't get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. "good", said the fox. "It's the best water I've tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself. "The goat thought of nothing but how thirsty he was. So, he jumped into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, "I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs against the side of the well. Then I'll climb on your back, from there I'll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I'm out, I'll help you out of the well.” The goad did as he was asked, and the fox got on his back band so out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him out. The fox merely turned to him and said, "If you only have as much sense in your head as you have hairs in your beard wouldn't have jumped into the well without making sure that you can get out again. you d. in the jungle d. myth 1. Where is the setting of the text? a. in the forest b. in the well c. in the school 2. What kind of narrative text is it? a. science fiction b. fable c. fairy tale 3. Describe the fox in the story. a. clever b. polite c. cunning 4-5 Give the lesson you can get from the story. (2 pts.) d. generous the letter of the correct answer. and buildings Floods can take down trees​


1. B in the well

2. B fable

3. C cunning

4-5. Be aware of strangers and dont trust them that easily


6. 11. Violet pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She was stressed. For the third time this week, a teacher was going to call her home and she knew that she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of this one. She thought that she would try anyway. "Come on, Mr. Jones," she pleaded. "I didn't mean to do it. I just held out my hand and he ran into it." Mr. Jones smirked and replied, "Yeah, nice try, Violet, but here's the deal. When one of my students gets hurt, we call homes and that's it." Violet buried her face in her palms. A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited 12. The sun was beginning to set. Light rays pierced through the hills and I could see the stars awakening on the other side of the sky, but I did not want to go home. "Give me one more try. I'll get it this time," I pleaded with Jake. He tilted his head to the side, crinkled his face, and said, "Look, if you couldn't do it the last thousand times, you're probably not going to get it right now. Why don't you get your own skateboard, then you can work on your tricks all day and night?" He was right. I needed to get my own skateboard. A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited 13. "You can't do it. You'll never do it," said my cousin Victor as I stood at the free-throw line. I turned around so that my back was to the hoop and began bending backward. I could now see the hoop, but it was upside down. I held the ball against my inverted chest. "Come on, you know you can't do it. Just take the letter," Victor continued goading me but I wasn't trying to hear that nonsense. I wound back and released the ball. It flew from my hands in a perfect arc and soared directly over the backboard. "I told you so," Victor said smugly. A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited 14. Hank brushed the sweat and dirt from his brow. He looked carefully at the crystal mass. These rocks had formed over millions of years. They were beautiful, but they were in the way of the gold. Hank spooled the wire out about twenty feet from the crystal mass. He took cover behind a cave wall and ordered the men to move back before he hit the switch. Boom! Crystal fragments exploded outward and settled on the cave floor. "All clear!" Hank shouted. A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited need ko po now







Sana makatulong <3

7. Activity # 2: Color the box red if the statement shows efficient management of family resources and color the box blue if not. 1. Identifying the goals of the family like education and health 2. Stick to the FIRST THINGS FIRST Policy. 3. Allocate money for all the important items only.4. Make a plan to help you lead you in achieving your family goad. 5. Know how much money is included to achieve your goal. 6. Do not involve the whole family in the decision making. 7. Assess the output of the plan undertaken with the budget. 8. Make a final decision on what to prioritize. 9. Spending money without reviewing the family budget. 10. Planning is not important in managing family resources,​​













carry on learning...

its alright

8. Identify the point of view used in each passage. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 11. Violet pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She was stressed. For the third time this week, a teacher was going to call her home and she knew that she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of this one. She thought that she would try anyway. "Come on, Mr. Jones," she pleaded. "I didn't mean to do it. I just held out my hand and he ran into it." Mr. Jones smirked and replied, "Yeah, nice try, Violet, but here's the deal. When one of my students gets hurt, we call homes and that's it." Violet buried her face in her palms. * 1 point A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited 12. The sun was beginning to set. Light rays pierced through the hills and I could see the stars awakening on the other side of the sky, but I did not want to go home. "Give me one more try. I'll get it this time," I pleaded with Jake. He tilted his head to the side, crinkled his face, and said, "Look, if you couldn't do it the last thousand times, you're probably not going to get it right now. Why don't you get your own skateboard, then you can work on your tricks all day and night?" He was right. I needed to get my own skateboard. * 1 point A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited 13. "You can't do it. You'll never do it," said my cousin Victor as I stood at the free-throw line. I turned around so that my back was to the hoop and began bending backward. I could now see the hoop, but it was upside down. I held the ball against my inverted chest. "Come on, you know you can't do it. Just take the letter," Victor continued goading me but I wasn't trying to hear that nonsense. I wound back and released the ball. It flew from my hands in a perfect arc and soared directly over the backboard. "I told you so," Victor said smugly. A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited 14. Hank brushed the sweat and dirt from his brow. He looked carefully at the crystal mass. These rocks had formed over millions of years. They were beautiful, but they were in the way of the gold. Hank spooled the wire out about twenty feet from the crystal mass. He took cover behind a cave wall and ordered the men to move back before he hit the switch. Boom! Crystal fragments exploded outward and settled on the cave floor. "All clear!" Hank shouted. * A. first-person B. second person C. third person D. Third-Person Limited Identify the stereotyping in each situation. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 15. Pam-Pam is a left-handed girl. She always joins drawing and painting contest. * A. Left-handed people write legibly. B. Left-handed people are good at arts. C. Left-handed people are goal-oriented. D. Left-handed people love joining contests. 16. Lea wears glasses in school even though her eyes don’t need it. * 1 point A. People who wear eyeglasses are smart. B. People who wear eyeglasses hide something. C. People who wear eyeglasses are blind D. People who wear eyeglasses are addicted to gadgets. 17. Ella do the household chores at home while her husband works in the company. * 1 point A. Men and women are perfect match. B. Women usually do the housework. C. The family should help each other. D. Everyone in the family has roles. 18. Mario and Carrie are millennials. They love using different gadgets and browsing on the internet. * A. Millennials are intelligent. B. Millennials love to buy expensive things. C. Millennials play a vital role in the society. D. Millennials are very techy, knowledgeable on gadgets.


11. Violet pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She was stressed. For the third time this week, a teacher was going to call her home and she knew that she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of this one. She thought that she would try anyway. "Come on, Mr. Jones," she pleaded. "I didn't mean to do it. I just held out my hand and he ran into it." Mr. Jones smirked and replied, "Yeah, nice try, Violet, but here's the deal. When one of my students gets hurt, we call homes and that's it." Violet buried her face in her palms. *

1 point

A. first-person

B. second person

C. third person

D. Third-Person Limited

12. The sun was beginning to set. Light rays pierced through the hills and I could see the stars awakening on the other side of the sky, but I did not want to go home. "Give me one more try. I'll get it this time," I pleaded with Jake. He tilted his head to the side, crinkled his face, and said, "Look, if you couldn't do it the last thousand times, you're probably not going to get it right now. Why don't you get your own skateboard, then you can work on your tricks all day and night?" He was right. I needed to get my own skateboard. *

1 point

A. first-person

B. second person

C. third person

D. Third-Person Limited

13. "You can't do it. You'll never do it," said my cousin Victor as I stood at the free-throw line. I turned around so that my back was to the hoop and began bending backward. I could now see the hoop, but it was upside down. I held the ball against my inverted chest. "Come on, you know you can't do it. Just take the letter," Victor continued goading me but I wasn't trying to hear that nonsense. I wound back and released the ball. It flew from my hands in a perfect arc and soared directly over the backboard. "I told you so," Victor said smugly.

A. first-person

B. second person

C. third person

D. Third-Person Limited

14. Hank brushed the sweat and dirt from his brow. He looked carefully at the crystal mass. These rocks had formed over millions of years. They were beautiful, but they were in the way of the gold. Hank spooled the wire out about twenty feet from the crystal mass. He took cover behind a cave wall and ordered the men to move back before he hit the switch. Boom! Crystal fragments exploded outward and settled on the cave floor. "All clear!" Hank shouted. *

A. first-person

B. second person

C. third person

D. Third-Person Limited

Identify the stereotyping in each situation. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

15. Pam-Pam is a left-handed girl. She always joins drawing and painting contest. *

A. Left-handed people write legibly.

B. Left-handed people are good at arts.

C. Left-handed people are goal-oriented.

D. Left-handed people love joining contests.

16. Lea wears glasses in school even though her eyes don’t need it. *

1 point

A. People who wear eyeglasses are smart.

B. People who wear eyeglasses hide something.

C. People who wear eyeglasses are blind

D. People who wear eyeglasses are addicted to gadgets.

17. Ella do the household chores at home while her husband works in the company. *

1 point

A. Men and women are perfect match.

B. Women usually do the housework.

C. The family should help each other.

D. Everyone in the family has roles.

18. Mario and Carrie are millennials. They love using different gadgets and browsing on the internet. *

A. Millennials are intelligent.

B. Millennials love to buy expensive things.

C. Millennials play a vital role in the society.

D. Millennials are very techy, knowledgeable on gadgets.


9. Activity 1: Vocabulary Improvement Directions: Give the meaning of the underlined word in each cluster of words. Let the other words in the set serve as clues to the meaning of the word. 1. maintain, assert, aver, warrant 2. perplexities, difficulties, problems, confusions 7. direct, geared, fit, control 8. drive, goad, urge, prod 3. puzzle, enigma, problem, conundrum 9. thrust, dive, plunge, jump 4. approximate, near, close, adjacent 5. treasures, cherish, nurtures, sustains 10. think, mull over, ponder, reflect​


1. Truth

2. Complicated

3. Riddle


5. encourage

6. explicitness

7. Equipped

8. Drop



10. Direction: Give the meaning of the underlined word in each cluster of words, Let the other words in the set serve as clues to the meaning of the word, 1. maintain, assert, AVER, warrant 2. PERPLEXITIES, difficulties, problems, confusions 3. puzzle, enigma, problem, CONUNDRUM 4. APPROXIMATE, near, close, adjacent 5. treasures, cherish, NURTURES, sustains 6. exactness, peculiarity, SPECIFICITY, definiteness 7. direct, GEARED, fit, control, 8. drive, goad, URGE, prod 9. thrust, dive, PLUNGE, jump. 10. think, MULL OVER, ponder, reflect​

need ko Ng sagot pls kasi diko alam eh

11. Activity 1: Vocabulary Improvement Directions: Give the meaning of the underlined word in each cluster of words. Let the other words in the set serve as clues to the meaning of the word. 1. maintain, assert, aver, warrant 2. perplexities, difficulties, problems, confusions 3. puzzle, enigma, problem, conundrum4. approximate, near, close, adjacent 5. treasures, cherish, nurtures, sustains6. exactness, peculiarity, specificity, definiteness 7. direct, geared, fit, control 8. drive, goad, urge, prod 9. thrust, dive, plunge, jump 10. think, mull over, ponder, reflect​


Activity 1: Vocabulary Improvement Directions: Give the meaning of the underlined word in each cluster of words. Let the other words in the set serve as clues to the meaning of the word.

1. maintain, assert, aver, warrant

2. perplexities, difficulties, problems, confusions

3. puzzle, enigma, problem, conundrum

4. approximate, near, close, adjacent

5. treasures, cherish, nurtures, sustains

6. exactness, peculiarity, specificity, definiteness

7. direct, geared, fit, control

8. drive, goad, urge, prod

9. thrust, dive, plunge, jump

10. think, mull over, ponder, reflect

12. 1. Where did the story happen?A. In the farm B.In the villageC.In the wellD.In the river2. Who fell into the well?A. The cat B. the fox C. the fox D. the goad3. Who jumped into the well?A. The goat B. The fox C. the horseD. the dog4. Why do think the goat believed the fox?A. Because he likes to swimC. Because he is thirstyB. Because he wanted to help himD. Because he thought he was honest5. How did the fox get out of the well?A. By a ropeC. By a stairB. By wishing upon the wellD. By tricking the goat to help him6. Why did the goat decided to jump into the well?A. Because he likes to swimB. Because he is thirstyC. Because he wanted to help him D. Because he like to drink the water also7. If you were the goat, will you do the same? Why?A. No, because I don't careB. No, because I don't want to be trickC. Yes, because I love to helpD. Yes, because I like to drink the water8. If you were the fox, will you do the same?A. Yes, because it is the only wayB. No, because I will just ask for helpC. Yes, because I don't like the goatD. Yes, because I want to get out of the well9. What is the moral lesson of the story?A. Always trust people no matter whatB. There are people who always want to trick and be dishonestC. There are people who will redeem himself/herself in any possible way even at the expense of other peopleD. All of the above10. What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing the story?A. To informB. To entertain.C. To describeD. To persuade​


C. wellB. the foxA. goatC. because he is thirstyD. by tricking the goat to help himD. Because he like to drinkthe water alsoC. Yes, because I love to helpD. Yes, because i wanted to get out the wellD. All of the aboveC. to describe


Sana nakatulong

I hope i help

13. sa kapwa. Goad B. Sumpa na ikaw ay hindi nakakatupad sa isang Gawain sa Pagkatuto Bilang 7: Basahin ang mga sitwasyon. titik ng tamang sagot. Gawin ito sa iyong sagutang papel. 1. Ito ay tumutukoy sa sinabi, ginawa, o anumang bagay na hindi pinananagutan o walang pagsasaalang-alang A. Matapat B. Responsable c. Iresponsable D. Pagsisinungaling 2. Ito ay tumutukoy sa lahat ng tao sa paligid. A. Kapuwa C. Kapitbahay B. Kaibigan D. Pamayanan 3. Ito ay pahayag na tumitiyak sa pagtupad o hindi pagtupad sa isang bagay. Ito rin ay tumutukoy sa anomang ginagamit bilang garantiya. A. Kilos C. Pangako D. Katapatan Sa mga pagkakataon kasunduan o sa iyong mga ipinangako, ano ang dapat mong gawin? A. Huwag na lamang ito pag-usapan at hayaan na ito ay makalimutan ng taong iyong pinangakuan. B. Iwasan ang taong pinangakuan upang makaiwas sa pagtatalo o paninisi na hindi kinakailangan. C. Humingi ng paumanhin at ipaliwanag ang dahilan kung bakit hindi sa pangako o kasunduan. ka na lumapit komprontahin pinangakuan upang malaman kung masama ba ang loob niya sa iyo o hindi. 5. May kasabihan na pagdating sa pangako, huwag mong yakapin ang puno kung alam mong hindi mag-aabot ang iyong mga kamay. Ano ang ibig sabihin nito? A. Ang pangako ay palaging may kaakibat na pananagutan. B. Huwag kang magbibitaw ng pangakong hindi mo kayang tuparin. C. Simple o mahirap man ang iyong binitiwang pangako ay dapat mo itong tuparin. D. Kailanman ay huwag kang mangangako upang ikaw ay makaiwas na makasakit ng damdamin ng iyong kapwa. 6. Ang mga sumusunod ay nagpapakita ng pagpapahalaga sa pagiging responsable sa kapwa MALIBAN sa: A. Pangangako kahit mahirap itong gawin. B. Pagtupad sa mga pangako o kasunduan. C. Pagiging matapat sa anomang sitwasyon. D. Pagpapanatili ng mabuting ugnayan sa kapwa. ka nakatupad D. Hintayin taong iyong PIVOT 4A CALABARZON ESP G6​















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