Artery In Tagalog

Artery In Tagalog

what do you call the artery just below the side of your jaw?a.cardial arteryb.carotid arteryc.femoral arteryd.popliteal artery​

Daftar Isi

1. what do you call the artery just below the side of your jaw?a.cardial arteryb.carotid arteryc.femoral arteryd.popliteal artery​


b. c carotid artery

yan po sagot

2. 14. Which of the following arteries does NOT contain oxygen-rich blood?a. Femoral arteriesb. Pulmonary arteriesc. Coronary arteriesd. Renal arteries​


B.pulmonary arteries

3. 14. The biggest artery in the circulatory system is theA. aorta B. hepatic artery C. pulmonary arteryD. renal artery​




The aorta is a big artery that leaves the heartcarrying this oxygenated blood. Branches off of theaorta send blood to the muscles of the heart itself, as well as all other parts of the body. Like a tree, the branches gets smaller and smaller as they get farther from the aorta.

4. 3.Which statement is true about arteries?a. Arteries carry deoxygenated blood.b. Arteries move blood toward the heart.c. Arteries connect to the atria of the heart.d. Arteries move blood away from the heart.​




The arteries (red) carry oxygen and nutrients away from your heart, to your body's tissues. The veins (blue) take oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. Arteries begin with the aorta, the large artery leaving the heart. They carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to all of the body's tissues.

5. 5. Arteries differ from the veins because O Walls of arteries are more elastic than veins O Semilunar valves are absent in arteries Arteries are distributary in natureO All of these​


Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. While most arteries carry oxygenated blood, there are two exceptions to this, the pulmonary and the umbilical arteries. All veins carry blood towards the heart.


hope i help pa brainliest po thanks

6. how is the pulmonary artery different from other arteries?​


That carry blood from the right side of the heart through to the capillaries of the lungs. The blood that is carried is unlike other arteries, without oxygen ("deoxygenated") Unlike other arteries the pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood once the veins have brought this blood from body to the heart it is pumped to the lungs

The pulmonary vein moves the oxygenated blood

from the lungs back to the heart The pulmonary veins transport oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs while the pulmonary arteries move deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs as the vessels that are closet to the heart arteries must contend with intense physical pressure from the blood moving forcibly through them

7. 7. The three kinds of blood vessels areA. artery, circulatory, valvesB. artery, circulation, ventriclesC artery, capillaries, veinD. artery, capillaries, waterhwn by​


C. artery, capillaries, vein


c. atery, capillaries,vien

8. which of the following arteries does not contain oxygen-rich blood A.aortaB.renal arteriesC.coronary arteriesD.pulmonary arteries​




becuase cuz be cause

9. The general pathway of blood flow is?a.heart, capillaries, veins, arteries, heartb.veins, heart, capillaries, arteries, veinsc.veins, heart, arteries, capillaries, veinsd.capillaries, arteries, veins, heart, capillaries​


Blood Vessels, Arteries, Capillaries, Veins, Vena Cava, Central Veins

10. 12. An enlargement of an artery caused by theweak artery wall.​




An aneurysm is the enlargement of an artery caused by weakness in the arterial wall. Often there are no symptoms, but a ruptured aneurysm can lead to fatal complications. An aneurysm refers to a weakening of an artery wall that creates a bulge, or distention, of the artery.

11. the force that blood exerts on the artery walls artery wall​


Blood pressure

is the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls. The force is made with each heartbeat as blood is pumped from the heart into the blood vessels. This is called systolic blood pressure. Blood pressure is also affected by the size of the artery walls and their elasticity.


sana makatulong

12. What is the difference between the pulmonary arteries and systemic arteries?


Systemic circulation moves blood between the heart and the rest of the body.

Pulmonary circulation moves blood between the heart and the lungs.

13. oxygen rich blood passes through all the arteries in the body except through one type. which of the following arteries differ from the rest?A. aortaB. coronary arteriesC. pulmonary arteriesD. renal arteries​


C. Pulmonary Arteries



The arteries are the blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the tissues of the body. Each artery is a muscular tube lined by smooth tissue and has three layers.


The pulmonary arteries carry blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs. In medical terms, the word “pulmonary” means something that affects the lungs. The blood carries oxygen and other nutrients to your cells. Your heart is the muscle pump that drives the blood through your body.


The pulmonary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the right side of the heart through to the capillaries of the lungs. The blood that is carried is, unlike other arteries, without oxygen ("deoxygenated").

For more information on the circulatory system, please see:


14. Arterial blood pressure vs mean arterial blood pressure

The differences between arterial blood preassure and MAP is the arterial blood preassure is a measurement of pressure on blood circulation while the MAP is mean arterial pressure during one cardiac cycle.

Explanation :

Arterial Blood Preassure

Arterial blood pressure refers to the pressure measured in the large arteries in the systemic circulation. This number is divided into systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Blood pressure is usually one of the indicators of public health. High blood pressure can cause a person to suffer from hypertension.

Mean Arterial Blood Preassure

Mean Arterial preasure or MAP is the mean arterial pressure during one cardiac cycle, systole, and diastole. MAP is influenced by cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance, each of which is influenced by several variables.

Learn More About :

A devive use for measuring arterial blood preasure?


15. Which arteries carry deoxygenated blood? A aorta B renal arteries C coronary arteries D pulmonary arteries




Pulmonary arteries



These are the only arteries that carry deoxygenated blood, and are considered arteries because they carry blood away from the heart.

16. 2. What vessels carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart? A. Pulmonary artery only B. Coronary arteries only C. Neither coronary arteries or pulmonary artery D. Both coronary arteries and pulmonary artery 3. What kind of blood is being delivered to the right side of the heart?​


2. A. Pulmonary artery only


2.The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle into the alveolar capillaries of the lungs to unload carbon dioxide and take up oxygen. These are the only arteries that carry deoxygenated blood, and are considered arteries because they carry blood away from the heart.

3.The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body.

17. Normal heart and artery Heart and artery with plaque buildup​


A heart scan, also known as a coronary calcium scan, is a specialized X-ray test that provides pictures of your heart that can help your doctor detect and measure calcium-containing plaque in your arteries.

A heart scan, also known as a coronary calcium scan, is a specialized X-ray test that provides pictures of your heart that can help your doctor detect and measure calcium-containing plaque in your arteries.Plaque inside the arteries of your heart can grow and restrict blood flow to the muscles of your heart. Measuring calcified plaque with a heart scan may allow your doctor to identify possible coronary artery disease before you have signs and symptoms.

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Pa Brainliest po Ako if you want

Thank You in Advance

the source of information mentioned that I feel the same about you guys


the paragraph for your smile is a book document and more blessing to come over and more blessing to me why I feel like I feel like I have to

18. The general pathway of blood flow is? a.heart, capillaries, veins, arteries, heart b.veins, heart, capillaries, arteries, veins c.veins, heart, arteries, capillaries, veins d.capillaries, arteries, veins, heart, capillaries


Blood leaves the heart through the pulmonic valve, into the pulmonary artery and to the lun


Blood leaves the heart through the aortic valve, into the aorta and to the body. This pattern is repeated, causing blood to flow continuously to the heart, lungs and body.

19. what parts of the body?1. Temporal Artery2. Carotid Artery3. Apical Artery4. Brachial ArtAntry5. Radial Artery6. Femoral Artery7. Popliteal Artery8. Posterior Tibialis9. DorsalisFedis​

Circulatory system.

Respiratory system.

Digestive system.

Skeletal system.

Muscular system.

Nervous system.

Reproductive system (female)


20. 5 Thee heart is supplied with blood viaa. Coronary arteryb. Aortac. Pulmonary arteryd. Systemic artery​

Answer: b.Aorta


21. List the arteries and veins found in the heart.ARTERY:VEINS:​


Coronary veins. Small cardiac vein. Middle cardiac vein. Posterior vein of left ventricle. Left marginal vein. Anterior cardiac veins. ...

Coronary arteries. Right coronary arteries. Sinoatrial nodal branch of right coronary artery. Right coronary artery. Right conus artery. Right anterior ventricular arteries.

22. 19. What is the artery at thebase of the tail of an animalwhere the pulse is beingdetected?O pulmonary arteryO femoral arteryO saphenous arteryO coccygeal artery* 1 point​


Pulmonary artery




23. Which of the following is true about the arteries? *A The arteries deliver deoxygenated blood.B The arteries deliver blood toward the heart.C The arteries deliver blood away from the heart.D The arteries deliver blood containing carbon dioxide.​




Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of the body. Systemic arteries carry blood from the heart to the whole body, and pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. The largest artery in the body is the aorta.

Which of the following is true about the arteries? *

Which of the following is true about the arteries? *A The arteries deliver deoxygenated blood.

Which of the following is true about the arteries? *A The arteries deliver deoxygenated blood.B The arteries deliver blood toward the heart.

Which of the following is true about the arteries? *A The arteries deliver deoxygenated blood.B The arteries deliver blood toward the heart.C The arteries deliver blood away from the heart.

Which of the following is true about the arteries? *A The arteries deliver deoxygenated blood.B The arteries deliver blood toward the heart.C The arteries deliver blood away from the heart.D The arteries deliver blood containing carbon dioxide

~C-The arteries deliver blood away from the heart Because the arteries carry oxygen and nutrients away from your heart, to your body's tissues.

24. The artery that supplies the urinary bladder, rectum, uterus, and vagina is the ________ artery.


internal iliac


Each internal iliac artery sends branches to the urinary bladder, the walls of the pelvis, the external genitalia, and the medial portion of the femoral region. In females, they also provide blood to the uterus and vagina. The much larger external iliac artery supplies blood to each of the lower limbs.

25. PE7. Which statement is TRUE about the arteries?a. Arteries carry only oxygenated bloodb. Arteries carry only deoxygenated bloodothes and arteries carry oxygenated blood.Both in and arteries carry deoxygenated.​




Arteries usually carry oxygenated blood and veins usually carry deoxygenated blood

26. In a street fight a person receives a stab wound about 2 cm long in the chest about 1.5 cm below the right coracoid process. There was bright red blood from a large (1.2 cm diameter) artery found in this location. The blood is from what artery? A. subclavian artery B. dorsal scapular artery C. deep brachial artery D. axillary artery E. brachial artery


E just think


dont be rude i just thinking if the E LOL

27. Located in the neck, lateral to the trachea.A. Radial artery. B. Brachial artery. C. Carotid artery. D. Abdominal artery​


Located in the neck, lateral to the trachea.

A. Radial artery. B. Brachial artery.

C. Carotid artery. D. Abdominal artery

The thyroid and parathyroid glands are on the lateral aspects of the trachea in the cranial neck (Fig. 46-2).

28. 4. It is the pulse point located behind the knee. A Brachial Artery C. Radial Artery B. Popliteal Artery D. Temporal Artery​


B. Popliteal

The popliteal pulse is named after your popliteal artery. This is an important blood vessel that carries blood down through your leg to your feet. So the location of your popliteal pulse is behind your knee. This keeps the artery out of the way of the bones and tendons in the soft tissue.


29. 3. Which of the following arteries does not contain oxygen-rich blood?a. Aorta b. Renal arteries c. Coronary arteries d. Pulmonary arteries​


D. Pulmonary Arteries


pulmonary arteries take OXYGEN-POOR blood from the heart to the lungs para maging oxygen-rich blood.

30. which of the following best describes atherosclerosis?a.narrow arteryb.ruptured arteryc.a blood clot in the arteryd.plaque build up in the artery​


d. plaque build up in the artery


i think haha.

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