Academic Break Meaning

Academic Break Meaning

1-10. Write A if the sentence is correct and B if it is not correct. 1. Academic writing is the process of writing systematically from the breaking down of ideas. 2. Academic writing does not aim to show clear perception of a certain subject. 3. Academic writing aims to communicate and aid the readers' understanding. 4. It is not necessary for academic writing to be clear and concise. 5. Academic writing should be backed up by proofs or pieces of evidence. 6. Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate interviews, dialog and conversation. 7. Effective communication helps people better understand each other. 8. Intrapersonal communication means communication with another person. 9. Communication skills have nothing to do with academic success. 10.Justine is having an interview with his elementary teacher. He is applying his interpersonal answer ​

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1. 1-10. Write A if the sentence is correct and B if it is not correct. 1. Academic writing is the process of writing systematically from the breaking down of ideas. 2. Academic writing does not aim to show clear perception of a certain subject. 3. Academic writing aims to communicate and aid the readers' understanding. 4. It is not necessary for academic writing to be clear and concise. 5. Academic writing should be backed up by proofs or pieces of evidence. 6. Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate interviews, dialog and conversation. 7. Effective communication helps people better understand each other. 8. Intrapersonal communication means communication with another person. 9. Communication skills have nothing to do with academic success. 10.Justine is having an interview with his elementary teacher. He is applying his interpersonal answer ​


1. A

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. A

2. Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not, underline the words or statement that makes the statement incorrect and write the correct answer on the blank provided. 1. Stress is a word or expression with a meaning different from the literal meanings of the words that make it up.2. The subject is the topic of the literary work or what the work is about. 3. All ideas in academic writing must be written in formal language and in the third-person. 4. Linear visuals help break down a written text into its important details.5. Archetypes are familiar patterns that a reader readily recognized in myths, stories and other forms of narrative. ​







3. Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not, underline the words or statement that makes the statement incorrect and write the correct answer on the blank provided. 1. Stress is a word or expression with a meaning different from the literal meanings of the words that make it up.2. The subject is the topic of the literary work or what the work is about. 3. All ideas in academic writing must be written in formal language and in the third-person. 4. Linear visuals help break down a written text into its important details.5. Archetypes are familiar patterns that a reader readily recognized in myths, stories and other forms of narrative. ​








ayan lang

4. Learning Task 2. Bias vs Prejudice. Based on the given definitions, decide whether the following sentences/situations are biases or prejudices.Bias means an inclination for or against a person, idea or thing, especially in a way considered to be unfair. This may result in unfairness or favoritism.Example: Female teachers give more attention to girls.Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on actual reasons or experience. This may result in discrimination.Example: It is sometimes assumed that physically disabled people are also mentally disabled.___________ 1. The report blames the crimes in the town on teenagers and bystanders.___________ 2. My aunt prefers black dogs, like her own, and she is friendlier to them than any other dog.___________ 3. The new boss has a reputation for not promoting women at work.___________ 4. Many insiders predicted that the judge’s decision would be influenced by his relationship with the defendant’s father who is a former colleague.___________ 5. Some religions think that their religion is the only true religion.___________ 6. A February 2017 poll from Fox News indicates that 68% of Americans think the press has been tougher on Trump than Obama.___________ 7. Disabled employees are more likely to be physically and mentally bullied at work - often by their manager - a UK academic study finds.___________ 8. On December 1, 1955, African-American seamstress Rosa Parks was arrested for failing to give up her seat on a Montgomery city bus to a white man, breaking existing segregation laws.___________ 9. During World War II, the Nazis implemented racial laws and policies that deprived Jews, Black people, and Roma (Gypsies) of their rights. ___________ 10. According to Anaïs Nin, “We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are”.​


1. prejudice

2. bias

3. bias

4. bias

5. prejudice


7. prejudice

8. bias

9. prejudice

10. bias


sana makatulong

5. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. 1. The domains of life which affect drug use and abuse include which of the following? a. Personal and Family b. Peer and Friends c. School and Community d. Personal, Family, Peer and Friends, School, and Community 2. The following are short-term effects of alcohol except a. Slurred Speech b. Cancer c. Light-headedness d. Headache 3. Which of the following is a long-term effect of Tobacco? a. Development of Asthma b. Stress c. Rapid heart rate d. Persistent cough 4. Affected economy due to low manpower production is one of the effects of substance use and abuse on the ____________. a. family b. school c. community d. self 5. One of the long-term effects of stimulants is _______________. a. kidney damage b. euphoria c. depression d. inability to sleep 6. Which of the following is the effect of drug use and abuse on the school? a. Poor academic performance b. Ignored duties and responsibilities c. Separation of the family members d. High incidence of crime 7. If depressant drugs slow down a person‟s central nervous system, how about stimulant drugs? a. It speeds up a person‟s central nervous system b. It breaks a person‟s central nervous system c. It stops a person‟s central nervous system d. It pauses a person‟s central nervous system 8. The name hallucinogen came from the words hallucination which means? a. To perceive illusions b. To widen illusions c. To speed up illusions d. To slow down illusions 9. Which of the following drugs can be found in ordinary household chemical products and aesthetics? a. Depressant drugs b. Stimulant drugs c. Narcotic drugs d. Inhalants drugs 10. Juan Dela Cruz is experiencing stress due to heavy workloads. What drugs can help him to lessen his stress? a. Stimulants b. Narcotics c. Depressants d. Inhalants 11. Erick‟s parents noticed his strange behavior of talking to someone even when no one is there. He also has poor judgment of time and distance. What substance might he be talking? a. Stimulants b. Hallucinogens c. Depressants d. Inhalants 12. They are also known as downers. a. Stimulants b. Hallucinogens c. Depressants d. Inhalants 13. The following are short-term effects of narcotics EXCEPT: a. drowsiness b. euphoria c. loss of appetite d. coma or death 14. The following are effects of substance use and abuse on the ____________. b. community c. family d. self 15. Why are stimulants also called „uppers‟ or „speeders‟? a. They stimulate or activate the central nervous system. b. They can make a person move faster. c. They can make a person fly up high. d. They stimulate or activate the circulatory system.​


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. A

9. C

10. A


12. C

13. B

14. D

15. D

6. It is the giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate interviews, dialog and conversation. a. communication b. reflection c. innovation d, intervention What do you call of a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play or movie? a. interview b. dialogue c. conversation d. reflection It is a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged. a. interview b. dialogue c. conversation d. reflection It is a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. a. interview b. dialogue c. conversation d. reflection It can be defined as communication with one's self, and that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory (Mclean, 2005). a. Interpersonal Communication b. Intrapersonal Communication c. Bilingual Communication d. Oral Communication It is the process of writing systemically from the breaking down of ideas with the purpose of presenting information showing clear perception of a certain subject. a. Creative Writing b. Academic Writing c. Literary Criticism d. Speech It is achieved in a paragraph if it says all that is intended to say. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order A feature of Academic Writing which is derived from 'cohere' which literally means "to hold together. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order A feature of Academic Writing which means oneness of idea. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order It is achieved when sentences reveal an order that the reader can see and follow, such as, form general to specific, from whole to part, from cause to effect, from abstract to concrete, and so on. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order​


Your professional success depends on having advanced people (a.k.a. “soft”) skills because most jobs require you to talk to people. Key among these is skill in speaking to and conversing with others in person. Retail sales, for instance, requires the ability to listen carefully to what a customer says they want and “read” their nonverbals to determine what exactly to say and how to say it in order to close the deal with a purchase. Aside from a handful of jobs with minimal human interaction (Gillett, 2016), the vast majority require advanced soft skills to deal effectively with customers or clients, coworkers, managers, and other stakeholders. Though we’re not born with them, everyone has the capacity to learn, develop, practise, and apply verbal and nonverbal skills to benefit those audiences, their company as a whole, and themselves.

You’ve certainly participated in countless conversations throughout your life, and the process of how to conduct a conversation may seem so obvious that it needs no explanation. Still, you can tell that some are better than others at conversation and some argue that technology is preventing many from developing these skills, so it’s worth breaking down how an effective communicator approaches the art of conversation. A skilled professional knows when to speak, when to go silent and listen, as well as when stop speaking before the audience stops listening. Further, understanding conversation provides a solid foundation for this guide’s crucial advice on job interviews (see §10.3 below), which follow similar ritual patterns and have their own set of expectations. Though these expectations may differ depending on the field, level, knowledge, and experience, they generally follow the five steps of a basic conversation discussed in this section. First, however, it’s worth examining the voice as the pre-eminent communication channel, how to refine our interpersonal skills in the face of the stunting effects of problem technology use, and how to use voice-only technology effectively.

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